Range of products in BAGS
Works for you,
in a green way too

CEM I 52.5 R – 25kg
Pallet 1,225 t = 49 bags

CEM II C-M (P-LL) – 25kg
Our cements are bagged in sealed, completely
water-tight polyethylene bags.
This technology, completely new to France, allows
for outside storage in all weathers and completely
avoids losses on the building sites.
Once empty, the bag is recyclable via traditional
construction channels.
Range of products IN LOOSE FORM

We produce 6 types of cement
which are all labelled CE and NF:
- CEM I 52.5 R CE CP2 NF
- CEM II / A-LL 52.5 R CE CP2 NF
- CEM II / A-LL 42.5 N CE CP2 NF
- CEM II / A-LL 42.5 R CE CP2 NF
- CEM II / B-M (P-LL) 42.5 N CE CP2 NF – FUSIOVRAC – New
- CEM II / B-LL 32.5 R CE NF
These types of cement are perfectly adapted to ourcustomers
for ready-mix concrete and pre-fabricated concrete products.